Author of the Month - Maggie K.
Ready for a spellbinding journey? April's featured story, "The Bad Witch That Takes Over," is written by Maggie K. The story calls you to a world of magic, witches, and mystical unicorns. Let's dive in!

There once was a unicorn and a princess who were best friends. The princess wants the ability to turn into a unicorn whenever she wants. Her unicorn friend tells her that she will make her dream come true! The unicorn uses its magic, but as soon as it starts to work… the magic begins to fade away.

They knew this had to be caused by the bad witch! They go to the forest and cross over the brick wall to the tree. They look inside and it looks like a cave. The princess commands the witch to give back the unicorn’s power. “No!” yells the bad witch.

They fight the bad witch and the unicorn is able to get back her powers! The unicorn works its magic and the princess now can change into a unicorn whenever she feels like it. The unicorn and princess are very excited about their next adventure!
Thank you Maggie for sharing your story and taking us on the magical adventure!
Keep reading to see what Maggie had to say in her interview.
Read the Full Interview:
Where did you get your Lulu Junior kit? Who gave it to you?
I got my Lulu Junior kit for Christmas from my aunt.
Where did you get your idea for your story?
I got the idea for my story from my head.
How does it feel to be a published author?
It feels good to be a published author, I will give my book to the public and the school library and all my friends and family.
What's the one piece of advice you'd share with another young writer?
Just be creative!
What do you like to do when you're not writing?
I love reading books, playing games, going to school, and to dance.
Do you prefer writing or illustrating? Why?
I prefer illustrating, because I love drawing pictures.
What's one of your favorite books?
One of my favorite books is My friend Rabbit written and illustrated by Eric Rohmann.
How do you like to set up your writing/drawing space?
I like to put a big piece of paper underneath, because sometimes accidentally I get off the paper and I don’t want to color the table. I like to have markers, crayons, pencils, and tempura paints all close by.
What inspires you to write or draw?
I get inspired by my house and what I do during the day.
What do you want people to remember about your book?
I want people to remember how important it is to help your friends.