Lulu Junior Author of the Month - Violette D.
This month, check out “Sweet Tooth Trouble,” written by Violette D. Her story follows three fairy best friends who leave their magical world to venture into the human realm. Along the way, they embark on a journey filled with interesting encounters and unexpected situations. Let’s get into Violette’s story!

There once were three fairies who are all best friends: Violet, Ellie, and Brylee. They decide to leave Fairyland and explore the human world!

They are flying in a backyard when they smell some freshly baked cookies, yum! They eat some cookies, but soon, their stomachs start to hurt. It’s time to go back home… they make their way to the magic waterfall to return to Fairyland.
When they arrive at the waterfall, it looks unusually small. They realize that it’s not smaller… they are the ones that have grown bigger!

The trio heads to the doctor, and she takes one look and says, “You guys are human size!” The fairy doctor asks what they ate, and they tell her about the cookies. She asks if they noticed any nuts in the cookies. The fairies weren’t sure what those were. The doctor informs them that nuts make fairies human-sized! She lets them know that there is one cure, and it’s sprinkles! Back to the human world they go to find the cure.

They were walking through a neighborhood when they see balloons. The fairies decide to follow them, and they stumble upon a birthday party. And what else did they see? Cupcakes with sprinkles! They waited for everyone to go inside, and they gobbled up the cupcakes. They were very delicious! The cure worked! They returned back to their fairy size. Hooray! The fairies stayed for the remainder of the party and indulged in many sweet treats.

They return to Fairyland and decide to use the knowledge they learned about sprinkles and nuts to open their own bakery. They named it Sweet Tooth bakery and had so much fun selling the amazing treats to their fairy friends!
Thank you so much, Violette, for sharing your beautiful story with us! We absolutely loved joining you on such a magical fairy adventure.
Keep reading to find out what Violette had to say in her interview!
Read the Full Interview:
Where did you get your Lulu Junior kit? Who gave it to you?
I got my Lulu Junior kit from my Aunt Toni and Uncle Dave for my birthday.
Where did you get your idea for your story?
I love to read about fairies. My mom and I also bake a lot at home, so I decided to combine the two to make my story. I am also allergic to peanuts so I included that detail in the story as well.
How does it feel to be a published author?
It feels really good to be a published author because I love to write!
What's the one piece of advice you'd share with another young writer?
I would tell another young author to write about things that they enjoy and that make them happy.
What do you like to do when you're not writing?
When I’m not writing, I love to read books, play with my friends, and color.
Do you prefer writing or illustrating? Why?
I like both, but I like illustrating more because I like to be artistic.
What's one of your favorite books?
I really enjoy reading the Owl Diaries stories and I also love Harry Potter!
How do you like to set up your writing/drawing space?
I like to have my space neat and organize with all my supplies ready to go.
What inspires you to write or draw?
When I read a book that I enjoy, it inspires me to write my own stories and draw pictures.
What do you want people to remember about your book?
I want people to remember the friendship that the fairies share and how they work together to solve their problems.