Lulu Junior Author of the Month - Baran M.

Lulu Junior Author of the Month - Baran M.

By Emma Gutierrez / March 05, 2025

Our featured story for March is “Leo” by Baran. Baran shares the life story of her betta fish, Leo, and his time with the family. Keep reading to find out about Leo and check out some very cool illustrations along the way!

Meet Leo! He's here to tell us about his life. He has a secret–he’s a fish! 

Leo was sadly separated from his parents and his big brother, Rio (who was only one minute older!) They are betta fish, and bettas like to have their own space. If they share a tank, they won’t get along!

Before Leo knew it, he and his brother were taken to a pet store. They both are in little containers that weren’t so clean. But wait… they see someone coming towards them. A boy grabs Rio. The girl is trying to choose between Leo and Simon (another fish friend).

Leo closes his eyes to prepare for whatever comes next. He feels himself being raised up and as he opens his eyes he sees that the girl picked him!

The car ride home was long and bumpy. Leo wishes the family could understand what he is saying. Leo is so excited to finally have a home! But all they hear is “blub, blub, blub.”

After the half-hour drive, they arrive at the girl’s home. It felt small but Leo thought that was because he had lived in a giant store. The girl’s father puts Leo in a tall case with blue marbles at the bottom.

Leo is living his best life! He is so happy to have a new place to live. He learns the girl who picked him is named Baran. Baran and her sister feed Leo every day, they talk to him, and make sure he is feeling good.

But Leo didn’t know what would happen next…

A week later, everyone is busy cleaning and decorating. Leo wonders if maybe it’s his birthday. He’s placed next to several things that start with the letter “S” in the Persian language. Guests begin to arrive, and it turns out it’s a celebration of the new year–Norooz.

It’s May, and the family is decorating again–this time to celebrate Baran’s sister, Benita’s birthday. There were a lot of guests, and Leo wished he was having a birthday party too.

June arrives, and Leo overhears Baran, her mom, and Benita talking about their two-month-long trip to Iran. Their dad will join them a little later. Soon, the family leaves and it’s just Leo and the dad at home. Leo is surprised by the dad with a new big tank, a tower, and plants. It’s awesome!

By August, Baran’s dad has left and it’s just Leo alone in the house. The tank grows dirtier and Leo begins to feel sick.

September comes and everyone is back! They all rush to check the tank to see how Leo is doing. They changed Leo’s water and everyone was happy, but Leo still didn’t feel quite right.

And now it’s October. And that’s Leo’s life. Filled with moments of sadness, but mostly with moments of joy. But Leo is still feeling sick. 

We meet Baran, Leo’s owner. Baran has some happy news and some sad news to share. Sadly, Leo wasn’t feeling well and had to say goodbye. But the happy news is that the tank is now home to fifteen tiny baby fish—fifteen little Leo Juniors!

Thank you, Baran for sharing your story with us! Keep reading to find out what Baran shared in her interview!

Read the Full Interview:

Where did you get your Lulu Junior kit? Who gave it to you?
We bought it from Amazon. It was a birthday gift from her uncle.

Where did you get your idea for your story?
It was a true life story. Leo was our fish for a while.

How does it feel to be a published author?
It feels really good. Authors and illustrators have always inspired me. My goal was to become an author, and reaching that goal is really exciting.

What's the one piece of advice you'd share with another young writer?
Never give up on yourself if something doesn't go how you want.

What do you like to do when you're not writing?
Playing sports, watching TV, and drawing.

Do you prefer writing or illustrating? Why?
Illustrating. It comes from creativity. 

What's one of your favorite books?
"Because of Mr. Terupt."

How do you like to set up your writing/drawing space?
Cozy with sunlight.

What inspires you to write or draw?
True life, some animations.

What do you want people to remember about your book?
Hardworking and never giving up.