Lulu Junior Author of the Month - Ellanie Vanway
Valentine’s Day is right around the corner and seems like as good a time as any for a reminder to be kind to one another. Luckily, our Author of the Month Ellanie Vanway has got just the story!
Since the weather on land is being a bit difficult, let’s dive into the depths of the ocean to see what our seafaring friends are up to!
Ellanie sets the scene for us by introducing Ruttle the shark. But, Ruttle isn’t just any shark. Ruttle is the King Shark! And unfortunately, like many story-book Kings, Ruttle can be a bit selfish. Quite literally, he takes all of the fish for himself! Sorry, we couldn’t resist the pun.
Back to the story! Ruttle orders the other members of his kingdom to hunt all day and keeps all of the spoils for himself. This was the routine, until one day a little dolphin named Doli decided she had enough. Those were her fish and she shouldn’t have to give them away!
Why dolphins, you ask?
“My favorite thing about the ocean is the sea creatures,” says our Author of the Month. “I like dolphins and hope to pet one someday.”
Doli recruits her fellow dolphins and they all lend a fin in creating a master plan. With a little bit of strong stretchy seaweed and a lot of creativity, the plan is ready to be put into action!
The following day, Doli goes to the king to present her offering as usual, but this time, she only brings one fish. Obviously, King Ruttle is outraged! How could one fish be enough?
Doli cleverly tricks the king into following her outside the safety of his kingdom with the promise of more fish. Little does he know, more is waiting for him than just food!
Once in position, the other dolphins throw the seaweed net over the king, capturing him with no way out. The King is stunned and confused but Doli is a master negotiator and quickly gets him to realize how greedy and unfair he has been. After realizing the error of his ways, the Shark King apologizes and asks for forgiveness. Setting an example for us all, Doli and Co take the high road and forgive the King, restoring peace in the kingdom.
In addition to teaching us that fish are best enjoyed with company, what does our Author of the Month hope to teach her readers?
“I want people to remember to ALWAYS be kind,” says Ellanie.
A book with such a important message wasn’t created overnight. After receiving a Lulu Junior kit from her Grandmother, Ellanie took a story she had started and turned it into a wonderful book!
“I got my idea from making up a short story and I thought that it would be good to make into a real book,” she says.
“If you think of something write it down on paper and it may make a great story!”
Read the Full Interview:
I got my Lulu Junior kit for my birthday from my Grandma.
Yes, I have always loved writing books. I started writing stories when I was 5.
I got my idea from making up a short story and I thought that it would be good to make into a real book.
My favorite thing about the ocean is the sea creatures. I like dolphins and hope to pet one someday.
My favorite part of making the book was doing the illustrations.
It felt amazing!!!
I dedicated my book to my family for letting me be creative.
I want people to remember to ALWAYS be kind.
My advice for other young authors is if you think of something write it down on paper and it may make a great story!