Share Your Scare: Campfire Stories
Fall will be here shortly; and with it, we’re kicking off the Lulu Share Your Scare contest. Each year, Team Lulu reads Halloween themed submissions from authors and compiles the best ones into an anthology.
This year, Lulu Junior is getting in on the fun too! We’re introducing ‘Campfire Stories,’ a selection of amazing Halloween stories specifically written for kids! We're inviting anyone with a Halloween tale for a younger audience to submit their story to the contest!
What Is Share Your Scare?
Share Your Scare is an annual short fiction contest run by Lulu. Authors submit their best stories with a Halloween theme. Submissions are judged by the Lulu Team and the best stories are included in our annual anthology!
Share Your Scare Contest Details
Contest runs: September 8th to September 30th
Frighten us now with your amazing Halloween story!
Share your best Halloween story in one of these categories:
Fiction - 1500 Words or less
Freeform - 250 Words or less
We also give away a copy of the printed anthology to every author we include!
What Are Campfire Stories?
Traditionally, Share Your Scare stories are about 1500 words. This year we’re adding a second category; Freeform. The Freeform category is for stories 250 words or less and is open to creative interpretation.
For example, it could be a short comic book or a poem.
With this new category, we’re opening the contest up to our younger authors or anyone who wants to write a spooky story for kids! We’ll include these in a special section of the anthology called Campfire Stories.
Your kids can create any Halloween themed story in any form they’d like. We’d love to read it!