Learning Together with Lulu Junior
Learning Together, located in downtown Raleigh, is a developmental day preschool founded in 1969 by Julia Williams. At the time, Williams saw a need for a program that not only educated but also embraced and nurtured children of all abilities in an inclusive classroom setting. Since then, the program has thrived and continues to progress the educational philosophy of "Interdependency" with a focus on the positive self-esteem of children as the foundation for all learning.
Team Volunteers
On May 17th, the Lulu team had the opportunity to share their love for writing and creativity with the students at Learning Together!
Our Lulu Junior kits inspire young authors to pursue their creativity and imagination through guided bookmaking. The students at Learning Together were able to experience first hand the joy of seeing their imagination come to life with the help of Lulu volunteers and their teachers!

The day started off with a tour of the school before we were divided up between two pre-K classes. The teachers at Learning Together prepped their students with some basics about what being an author and illustrator means and once the foundation was laid, the students were eager and excited to start their books!
Lulu volunteers were paired up with students in each of the classrooms to guide them through the story making process. Each student created their own book to illustrate new literacy skills they learned throughout the year, a perfect graduation gift for their parents!
It was amazing to witness the imagination and creativity of these young authors!

Creating Together
When asked to describe their illustrations, we got responses ranging from “the good guy fights the bad guy with his muscles” to “I like to play soccer outside with my brother”. Nothing compares to the bright smiles and excitement of a child creating something straight out of their imagination.

As the pages came to life, we saw just how important creativity is for young minds. Not only do experiences like this reaffirm for us how important our Lulu Junior kits are, but they also serve to remind us that we do more than just print books. Lulu Junior opens up a new world of possibilities and gives students a tangible memory of their younger years. The books they create today can stay with them for years to come!

With the books created, colored, and ready for printing, the last step was sending the pages off to our printers! In a few short days, these books will be printed, bound and delivered to Learning Together.

We would like to thank Learning Together for the incredible experience of working with their amazing students. The facilities and the dedication of the staff are beyond impressive and we can't wait for them to receive the finished books!
If you are interested in inspiring a budding young author or want to make use of Lulu Junior kits in your classroom, check out www.lulujr.com to learn more.