Lulu Junior Author of the Month - Haley Rathman
Sun fairies! Moon fairies! Mystery and suspense! We’ve got it all from July’s Author of the Month, Haley Rathman!
Take a break from the ordinary and spend some time in the extraordinary with Haley’s comic book, “The Quest”. It’s easy to get lost in this fun page-turner that follows moon fairy, Zelle, as she tries to discover who shattered The Eternal Light and restore peace to the land!
If you’re intrigued by that (and who wouldn’t be?), wait until you see the illustrations. Haley brings her story to life with incredible character and scene drawings. You’ll want to read through this one multiple times to notice all of the beautiful details Haley included in the panels. Read it first for the story, but come back to it again and again for the artwork. A flip through the pages will make you wonder, which came first? Did the story inspire the artwork, or did the artwork inspire the story?
“I like to draw, and so I sketched the characters first; then I built the story line around the characters,” says Rathman.
For Haley, the artwork was the best part of the book-making process. “I’ve been drawing for many years, but it’s only been recently that I have really focused on my artwork.”
For those with an artistic side like Haley, Lulu Junior’s My Comic Book Kit is the perfect gift. If you’re interested in developing an artistic side but aren’t sure where to start, take a tip from our Author of the Month:
“Get a sketchbook and practice drawing anything of interest. Also, learn from other artists’ styles and just keep trying to improve your own,” says Rathman. “Never give up.”
Haley’s comic book is a wonderful example of what you can achieve with practice, dedication and your imagination. Whether you’re an artist, author, or both, Lulu Junior book-making kits have you covered!
Read the Full Interview:
Haley Rathman, age 14.
I like to draw, and so I sketched the characters first; then I built the story line around the characters.
The artwork.
I’ve been drawing for many years, but it’s only been recently that I have really focused on my artwork.
Never give up.