8 Books to Get Caught Reading in May
May is Get Caught Reading month! It's a great time of year to get excited about warmer weather, school break, family vacations, and of course, summer reading!
Start it off right with some great Lulu books! We've compiled a list of 8 beautifully crafted, original books from independent authors. These books are the perfect way to inspire young readers!
Once you've gotten caught reading in May, inspire family-time and help your kids create their own books! Just grab a Lulu Junior kit to get started!
Lulu Junior's Get Caught Reading list
Home-grown Tastes Better is the 3rd book in my series STARLETT'S SECRET GARDEN Other titles are STARLETT'S SECRET KITCHEN (RECIPES) STARLETT'S SECRET GARDEN (A-Z HOMEMADE HEALTH REMEDIES) Find me on facebook and Twitter Louise M Crowley Plus Starlett_The_ Westie on Instagram and on Twitter @StarlettCrowley THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! PLEASE CONTINUE TO ENJOY MY BOOKS!
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Stumble Trip Fall
A book for children or those young at heart about a bear and his search for where he belongs. Along the way he encounters a fox, a mole, a goat and a duck who keep him moving to finally discover where he is most at home.
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Who Rescued Who?: Sashi’s Story
Eight-year-old Jillian Miller has just moved with her family to a new house in a new town. Jillian doesn’t really like change that much, but she likes her new room, and she knows she’s going to have to make it work. As she settles in and meets the new neighbors—including their dog—she hopes that one day she’ll have a dog of her own.
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The Magical Adventure of Little Alf - The Secrets in the wood
Spring is in the air at Meadowlea Stables... Hannah is enjoying spending more time with Alfie as the nights are getting lighter. Everyone at Meadowlea stables is getting ready for the summer show, but when the enchanted oak tree starts to glow, Hannah knows it is trying to tell her something... But What?
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The 5 Secrets to Public Speaking Success
This book will help you to unlock your potential and learn the secrets to public speaking,you and your children will learn about the journey of Inspiring Vanessa as a young motivational speaker
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Vegan Viv - She's All Give!
A vegan book for kids and parents and cool kids on the block, written by the esteemed writer Ted 'Fruit' Bread. He brings a self-appointed wit to the table and lampoons the trousers off factory farming, capitalism, inhumanity towards creatures (great and small), crop-dusting, shirt stuffing and everything in-between - a MUST read!!! All profits from the sale of this book will be donated to animal charities.
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A is for Apperdoo
When a child's imagination takes hold and creates a world of fascinating creatures, you get an Apperdoo. This book is meant to be a captivating journey through the creative mind of an eight-year-old, as he builds a field guide describing the 26 mysterious creatures he encounters in the wild.
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