Thank you, ASTRA 2018!
This year, we attended ASTRA (American Specialty Toy Retailing Association)’s 2018 Marketplace and Academy in New Orleans!
If you’re not familiar with ASTRA and their mission to bring together independent retailers and specialty toy manufacturers, check out our recent blog post. We love ASTRA because they’re a not-for-profit trade organization that helps Lulu Junior and other toy retailers get their educational products out to the world and into the hands of eager and creative kids.
We really just want to say thank you to everyone who stopped by our booth! It was so great to see old friends and meet new retailers. The number of retailers who came to the booth and told us how popular and well received our kits were reminded us all just how important Lulu Junior kits are. Most of all, we loved hearing from retailers how much the kids enjoy seeing their face and bio on the back of their book!
Also, we were able to celebrate NOLA’s tricentennial with many, many beignets! Our book-making kits even got to see the town!
If you’re a retailer or an ASTRA member, don’t forget about our show specials for the rest of the year:
ASTRA Members:
15% off Orders through 7/31/18
10% off Re-Orders through 12/31/18
Free Shipping on Orders over $350
Non-ASTRA Members:
10% off Orders through 7/31/18
5% off Re-Orders through 12/31/18
Free Shipping on Orders over $500
If you’re an independent retailer and would like more information regarding our Lulu Junior book-making kits, please contact sales@lulujr.com.