How-To: Interactive Learning Binder
Often, we find ourselves trying to find ways to continue to educate our children at home. What can we do to keep their minds sharp? How can we help them with things they may have difficulty understanding in school? Or even, what are some fun and educational ways to transition them to quiet time without electronics? Well, I have just the thing for you: an Interactive Learning Binder!
What is an Interactive Learning Binder?
This is a binder compiled of fun age/developmentally appropriate learning activities. Whether it be memory, math, cognitive development, reading, fine motor development or more. The goal of these binders is to get your children engaged in learning through play and hands-on interaction. But of course, it could be an activity to keep them engaged while you cook dinner perhaps?! These are typically geared towards preschool-elementary aged children as well as adults and children with special needs, but not limited to.
Creating Your Interactive Binder!
Here are some things that you will need to create your Interactive Learning Binder.
- 3 Ring Binder
- Velcro
- Hole puncher (preferably a 3 hole one)
- Laminator and laminating sheets (The dry erase ones are preferred if doing writing activities)
- Printed Activities geared towards age/developmental stage your child is at or trying to get to
- Page protectors
- Scissors
**Additional materials you may need depending on your activity
Most of the time you can find free resources online for printables to go into your interactive binder if you are not interested in making your own.
How To Put Your Binder Together
Once you’ve gathered all of your materials for your binder, you can get started putting it together. This is a tedious part, of course, but definitely worth it in the end!
Step 1
Cut and laminate your printed activities
Step 2
Cut out your laminated printables, hole punch the full sheets, and organize them (I like to have everything organized so that I know in which order I will put them in the book). Add velcro to your pages and cut pieces where it’s needed.
Step 3
Put your cut pieces in the page protectors and put them on the corresponding page.
Step 4
Add your pages to your binder in the order you see fit, along with the corresponding page protectors before each page. (If you would like to add your page protectors to the back of your book instead, you can. I would just label which activity it goes with).
And that is all! Once you’re done introduce this to your child and enjoy. This can travel in the car for trips, be a busy binder at restaurants, or if you would like to do it with your child as a daily learning activity you can!