Lulu Junior Author Of The Month - Liam Cywinski
April has absolutely flown by and here we are again coming at you with our Author of the Month for May! We are excited to feature this month’s author, Liam Cywinski! He’s truly a professional at this point, he’s made a total of five books with us already and they are AWESOME.
Liam has been kind enough to let us feature one of his recently published stories, “The Croissant and the Macaron.” We were immediately enticed to read it; food in the title? Yes please. Who doesn’t love croissants and who doesn’t love macarons? We gotta find out what this story is all about!
The Croissant and the Macaron
We start in a warm bakery filled with the sweet aromas of the delicious baked goods and waiting to be made desserts. One of those treats waiting for his turn in the oven is Macaron. He was anxiously waiting to go in the oven, with the constant questions turning in his mind over and over: “What if I don’t rise? Will I remain flat forever? What will everyone think of me?”
All very important questions for a dessert when your pride is on the line here. Macaron was so overwhelmed with the stress and concern that he began to cry.

He heard a voice shout from another baking tray, “Hey there!” the voice said. It was Croissant, otherwise known as Cris. Macaron was clearly upset and did not feel like talking to anyone. He was distracted by the oven door opening and took a deep breath, and was relieved it wasn’t his turn yet.
Cris called over again to ask if everything was okay, to which Macaron responded, “I’m scared.” Macaron was scared he would not rise properly. “It’s okay to feel scared sometimes,” Cris said. “Even if you don’t rise you will still taste the same.” Macaron smiled over to Cris. Croissant’s words comforted Macaron.
The oven door opened...the time had finally come for Macaron’s bake!
Ten minutes came and went and the macarons were taken out of the oven and were resting. Macaron called over to Cris to see if he was still there and Cris asked him how he felt. “I feel so happy!” Exactly as they were supposed to, all the macarons had risen in the oven!
The relief! The happiness! All stress and anxiety washed away with the comforting words of Cris and the final results.
Macron was incredibly thankful to Cris for being such a great friend in his time of need. “Macaron and Cris smiled at each other as they were placed next to each other inside the bakery case.”
We all will come to face some hardships in our lives, but Liam wants us to know that “no matter what you are facing, you are never alone. We may not meet family/society expectations, but in the end, we all rise just as we are meant to.” A truly touching message that we all may need to remind ourselves of from time to time.
Thank you to Liam for letting us feature this great story! Friends and family should be sure to ask Liam about his other stories and ask him what he’s writing next...he isn’t spilling the beans to us. We are going to have to wait and see, and we sure are looking forward to it!
Interested to read a little bit about more Liam and his writing process? Keep reading to check out his interview.
Read The Full Interview:
My Mom bought my Lulu Junior kit online from Amazon.
I enjoy writing, but I started off drawing first when I was younger.
Kids today face a lot of problems. I wanted to write to give someone courage to talk about the problem they are having.
My favorite part about writing the book is the message that we may not meet family/society expectations, but in the end we all “rise” just as we are meant to.
GOOD!! GREAT!! AWESOME!! I was excited to see my drawings and writing come to life.
This book was dedicated to my aunts and uncles because they inspire me to pursue my dreams.
I want people to know that no matter what problem you are facing you are never alone.
My advice to young authors is writing books can hurt your hands, but seeing people read your stories makes your heart happy.
It’s a secret!
My favorite author is Max Brallier.